Steps To Waxing Your Car To Make Your Car Look Brand New

Car Wax

As a car owner, we want to retain the quality of our vehicles as if it was just purchased yesterday. One trick is through car wax. But is car waxing necessary? Let’s learn more about this important car technique.

How to polish your car, Car Wax

What Is Car Waxing?

Car wax can be a natural or synthetic product but its main purpose is to provide a thin layer of protection to automobile parts. Waxing a car can also enhance the vehicle’s paint depth and shine. The majority of car waxes in the market come with natural oils, beeswax, and petroleum distillates. Some have full-blown synthetic substances and even use synthetic resins and polymers that serve as shine enhancers.

Benefits of Car Waxing

As car owners, we should learn how to wax a car properly. This skill has a lot of value and goes beyond the simple pleasure of doing the job to see the final result. These are some of the benefits of having your car waxed:

Protects Against Scratches

Car scratches are a common accident. These often affect the car’s clear coat that is the outermost layer of the car’s paint. Applying car wax provides a thin layer of protection to the clear coat of paint on top of the auto.

Protects Against Exposure

The body of a vehicle is exposed to various weather elements such as rain, snow, wind, and ultraviolet rays. Not to mention other components like tree sap, road salt, or bird droppings. These elements affect the chemicals found in the car’s paint and later on produces fading or chipping. Regular car waxing can prevent this from happening.

Makes Your Car Easier to Clean

One of the very useful properties of car wax is its cleaning benefits. It prevents dirt from penetrating the vehicle’s surface by generating a smooth and protective layer around the paint. As a result, dirt and other particles are easily washed off.

Improves Resale Value

When you decide to sell your car, one of the things professional estimators consider for the resale price is the car’s body and paint condition. Showing signs of age or faded paint can decrease a car’s resale price. Having your car waxed regularly protects it from any damages and retains its newly purchased look.

Saves You Money

Repainting your car can be expensive. That is why it’s better to include car waxing in your regularly scheduled maintenance to avoid such costs. This work extends the car paint’s lifespan significantly, saving you from spending more money.

A Step-by-Step Car Wax Process

Here is a simple guide on how to wax your car:

Get the Best Car Wax

There are two types of automobile wax available, carnauba-based wax and paint sealant. The carnauba wax contains ingredients made from Brazilian palm tree leaves and provides high-quality shine. On the other hand, paint sealant is a polymer-based wax that gives cars a longer-lasting shine and extra protection. Wax can also come in a paste, liquid, or spray form. If your car still has a good finish, you can opt for spray wax. But if your car is already old or the finish begins to oxidize, go for a liquid wax instead as they are considered the best in cleaning.

Wash Your Car

Clean your car before waxing. Leaving dirt or grime on the car’s surface may result in the paint’s clear coat becoming scratched after applying the wax. Make sure that door jambs, door handles, and all other neglected areas are thoroughly cleaned. Also, your automobile should be completely dry before applying the wax.

Car Wax

Choose an Area of Your Automobile to Begin Waxing

Apply the car wax in sections. This is so you can remember where you started applying the wax and prevent the wax from drying or staying on the car too long. The wax left on the car for too long can be difficult to remove making it labor-intensive and difficult. A great tip is to begin applying wax on the front fender panel on both sides of the vehicle above the front wheels. Then, continue waxing to the front and around the car until you finish each section.

Apply the Wax in a Circular Motion

Get a small amount of wax and apply it to the car in a circular motion, either in horizontal or vertical rows. Don’t apply too much wax. You should be able to still see the paint color through the wax during application.

Remove the Wax

Use a microfiber towel or soft cloth to remove the wax from the car’s surface. Gently apply pressure using the cloth and move it in a circular motion to remove the wax. You can also buff the car to increase the vehicle’s shine and paint luster. The car wax process should make the surface of your automobile glossy.